Unity Not Uniformity – by Pastor Kimby
I decided to preach in May from the book of Ephesians. It’s a great little book – just six chapters, packed with phenomenal theology. Originally written to new churches who were trying to figure out how to be faithful in a very confusing world, the letter is perfect for Christians today. Who are we as the body of Christ? What does it mean for us to live in Christ today? If you ask the world what it means to be Christian, you will get many answers. In part, this is because there are many ways to live out our faith, many ways to live the love of God in the world. Even here in Gardner in our church, we do not have to be the same to show our faithfulness. In fact, it is much better to live your faith in your own unique way, using your particular gifts. However, these differences sometimes divide rather than unite us. Our challenge is to figure out what holds us together and what sets us apart. At our core, we belong to God. God loves each of us completely. As we live in that love, we find differing ways to express that love, to share that love in the world. What is comfortable for one may be irritating for another. In the body of Christ the church we must discern how to live together, how to help one another, and how to encourage others while not all being the same. As a particular church in the kingdom of God, we must find our way of serving God uniquely and faithfully. Who are we in the body of Christ? Your invitation this month is to consider our call as people of God in the world. May you be blessed.